I know, I know. It’s almost the second full week of March, and I still haven’t jumped back into blogging full-force. I’m trying. I have a lot of things to share—but I just haven’t found the time to put them in writing. All in time, right?
I have been reading blogs, though. And, man, there are some awesome recipes out there. I’ve still been eating—because, you know, that’s necessary—but I haven’t eaten anything interesting enough to share except for a delicious dinner with the in-laws last Saturday night (which I plan to review on the blog this week). I did manage to screw up both Ash Wednesday and the first Friday of Lent by consuming chicken at Wednesday night’s dinner and inhaling leftover pulled pork (thanks, dad!) during Friday’s lunch—all without batting an eye. Oops.
Anyway, as I put on my thinking (blogging) cap, I leave you with some of posts I’ve been reading.
One Bowl Double Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies via Oh She Glows
Honestly, since these are vegan, I’ll just take the bowl of the dough. Double dark chocolate = the magical amount of chocolate.
Warm Kale Salad with Bacon, Dates, Almonds, Crispy Shallots and Parmesan via Iowa Girl Eats
I don’t think I’ve ever made a warm salad. Everything in this sounds spectacular, so now might be the time to try one. Long live kale!
Crab Spaghetti with Lemon Gremolata via FoodieCrush
Because, honestly, there’s nothing better than jumbo lump crab meat (unless you have a shellfish allergy, and, for that, I pity you).
Old-Fashioned Banana Pudding via Averie Cooks
Oh. My. God. Banana pudding is the dessert of nostalgia. It’s a southern delicacy, and nobody makes it better than the little old ladies at church (you know, back when I went to church—before I was a heathen). It’s so tempting to just use boxed pudding mix, but I think I might be able to tackle this one.
Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes via Brown Eyed Baker
More nostalgia. Even though I love over-the-top, trashed-up cupcakes with fancy frosting, fillings, and flavors like “maple bacon,” very few desserts beat a rainbow-specked vanilla cupcake, topped with vanilla icing and more sprinkles.
(Side note: for somebody who’s not really craving sweets lately, I sure am gravitating toward a lot of desserts! We eat with our eyes, that’s for sure.)
Never Merely Pretty via Apple Of My Eye
I really loved this piece, especially the advice in #1. Comparison is the biggest trap! #2 and #3 are something for which I can personally vouch. If you really look at your body and tell yourself daily that you’re beautiful (or have an awesome butt, stomach, etc.), you’ll begin to believe it.
How to talk to your daughter about her body via Hope Avenue
This is wonderful. If I ever have a daughter, it will be my goal to set a positive example when it comes to loving my own body and showing that our bodies are beautiful for all they enable us to do.
Can You Love Your Body And Want To Change It? via Fitting It All In
I think this is a good question. I think every woman (and man) has at least one thing they’d like to change about their body (toned arms, flat abs, a shorter nose, etc.), but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be happy with our appearance at the same time. It can be a slippery slope, though, particularly for people with a history of eating disorders, exercise addiction, or even depression.
NEDA Week 2014: Considering Orthorexia via Choosing Raw
I’m so glad Gena decided to share her two cents on, what I believe, is a very important subject. Though not as well known as other eating disorders, orthorexia is something that can entrap even the most well-intentioned. Our society is simultaneously obsessed with excess/indulgence and health/wellness, and we’re causing more damage to ourselves and to positive lifestyles by approaching healthy eating with an “all or nothing” mindset.
Medication is not Evil (or) Why I Take Drugs via Rebekah Ruth Rambles
This is so important. I do think, personally, that too many patients (particularly kids) are over-medicated in this country, but as this woman suggests, drugs are not innately bad and are sometimes the only thing saving a person from constant suffering and living a “normal” life. When will mental illness gain the same respect and lack of stigma as other diseases?
Why You Should Dump Those Crappy Energy Bars In The Trash via Mind Body Green
I couldn’t agree more that most bars are garbage, which is why I stick to the Lärabar (despite their high cost) or making my own bars/bites with just a few ingredients like nuts, dried fruit, oats, etc. I am amazed at how much sugar some of these “healthy snacks” have in them!
Ben & Jerry’s Nails It With New Core Ice Cream Flavors via Huffington Post
Seriously, I die!! I want to eat every single one of these. All by myself (because an only child doesn’t share).
7 Foods That Will Work Wonders On Your Digestion via Mind Body Green
Many of these I already consume on a regular basis, and, I agree, they do help with digestion.
14 Fast Food and Restaurant Employees Confess the One Item You Should Never Order via Huffington Post
Ew. Ew. And Ew. I don’t order any of these items in the first place (well, I might have gone for a McCafé if I stumbled upon a McDonald’s in the morning and have definitely ordered gas station slushies before), but now I will be particularly cautious! Gross.
18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently via Huffington Post
Hi Catherine,
Thanks for the link to my Medication is Not Evil post. I agree with you…there can be a tendency to prescribe meds when they are not needed. But I’m glad you got the point of what I was saying. Thanks again for the link up! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your views and personal experiences. My husband is a therapist, so I definitely support mental illness awareness and support. I gained a lot from your post–and I’m sure many others did too.