I know I said I’d be back Sunday or Monday with a post, but I decided to pack the computer away (for the most part) and enjoy some much needed relaxation instead.
But since it’s Wednesday, I thought I’d combine today’s post with my usual Weekly Links and share a What I Ate—and Read—Wednesday.
Below are yesterday’s meals…
overnight oats with banana, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon and almond milk
Morning Snack
some fresh fruit (this craving is still going strong!)
leftover gumbo from our baby shower (the best in town!)
Afternoon Snack
a stick of Sargento sharp cheddar
a carb-filled brinner (consisting of scrambled eggs, cheesy potatoes, and an English muffin) that will probably be followed by a piece of leftover baby shower cake
And now moving on to the reads…
Oatmeal-Dark Chocolate Chip & Coconut Cookies via Brown-Eyed Baker
Dark chocolate and coconut—two of my favorite things. I need cookies in my life, now!
Croque Monsieur with French Onion Relish via Butter and Brioche
Oh, man, do I ever love a Croque Monsieur! I imagine the prosciutto (and sweet onion relish!) takes this ultimate comfort food to the most magical of levels.
Banana Streusel Muffins via How Sweet Eats
These look fabulous. I’m now kicking myself for letting my last 3 bananas get too ripe (aka, completely black!) this past week.
Toffee Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookie Bars via Oh She Glows
Oh, these look awesome…and totally worth turning on the oven and having a hot house during the summer!
Fried Green Tomatoes with Goat Cheese Grits via Wicked Spatula
I’m starving right now, but even if I’d just eaten, this dish would look amazing. This Southern girl loves her grits and fried foods, y’all.
Food & Nutrition
Cutting Back On Carbs, Not Fat, May Lead To More Weight Loss via NPR
I’m glad to see healthy fats finally being praised instead of demonized. We all need fat to live and live well, but too many refined carbohydrates are just bad for us (even though I ate a lot of them last weekend and have zero regrets!).
Breakfast Downgraded from ‘Most Important Meal of the Day’ to ‘Meal’ via The Atlantic
Eating 3 meals a day (or 4 or 6—whatever provides adequate fuel for your activity load) is the important thing, I guess. While breakfast will remain my favorite meal of the day (and I get mighty hangry without it), I guess I’ll go a little easy on my non-breakfast-eating husband after reading this. 😉
Body Image & Mental Health
Tuning Out Food Noise via Choosing Raw
Though I’ve never suffered from a diagnosed eating disorder, I still can relate to this post just by virtue of being a woman who’s incredibly competitive and quick to point out my own flaws. It’s important for folks in recovery to do more than simply gain weight as advised by their doctor, since it’s the underlying obsession, fear, criticism, etc. that perpetuates the real illness, and even the simplest of (well-meaning) self-congratulatory images or statistics from somebody else can trigger that sense of competition. So, if you’ve recently lost a few pounds, seen increased muscle tone, or are embarking upon a new diet or fitness regimen, be mindful of how (and to whom) you share your success/endeavors.
Fighting Anxiety and Depression at Work via Huffington Post
I couldn’t agree more with this. (Side note: my husband teaches a training course through the mental health agency where he works that helps provide employers with the tools and knowledge they need to recognize the signs of mental illness, particularly depression, among their employees. Something like this should be in practice in every city/region.)
Get Moving Cardio Core Circuit via Run Pretty
I love that this workout requires no equipment and that no sit-ups/crunches are involved. I might be a little too unsteady (read: plump in the tummy!) to do this workout now during pregnancy, but I think it would have been great for 1st and some of 2nd trimester. I’m definitely bookmarking it for postpartum.
18 Convincing Reasons To Give Yoga Another Try via Huffington Post
This is why I can’t wait to get back into yoga after postpartum recovery.
The Latest and Greatest Fitness Moves via Cotter Crunch
Some of these look intense! Although I’m doing what feels best for my body and taking it easy during pregnancy, I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t miss doing some of the more complicated and difficult stuff, too. Definitely saving this for later.
Pregnancy & Parenting
Pregnancy Weight: The Great Debate via Balancing B
This is a wonderful and well-written post. I think we all can agree that gaining tons of weight (and eating massive amounts of junk food while remaining completely sedentary) is unhealthy for both the mother and the baby (it can lead to serious health complications), but the recommended 25-35 pounds is exactly that: a recommendation. We all were at different weights and activity levels pre-pregnancy, and our bodies all have different needs throughout pregnancy. Each of us gains and loses weight differently! As long as we feel healthy and are doing our best to provide our bodies/babies with necessary nutrients, hydration, and activity, then we’re doing just fine. There’s no room for shaming during and after pregnancy—especially from other moms!
The Pressure To Have a Perfect Birth via Huffington Post
Hmm, this article came at a good time for me. Although I have envisioned “the perfect birth,” I keep reminding myself that anything could happen. I’m trying to be as relaxed as possible, though I am doing everything in my power to educate myself, prepare for the best (and worst) outcomes, and remain healthy in these next 5-6 weeks to avoid compromising my opportunity for a natural birth (I do not want to go into labor with extra stress or illness or fear, because I truly believe that the “mind-body connection” is a big part of a successful labor). A healthy baby (and mom) is the ultimate goal, of course, but that doesn’t mean that a woman’s feelings regarding her labor aren’t valid or important. In the end, though, we do what we can.
thanks for the link friend! and now i want those fried green tomatoes too! haha
You’re welcome!
And even though it’s still “breakfast time,” I could eat those fried green tomatoes right now. 🙂