Happy Sunday! What an eventful week it’s been. ♥
This past week was slow (both at work and on the blog, evidently), but the weekend was much-appreciated. Saturday was spent running some errands, getting froyo, and trying to soothe a super fussy baby. I think he’s teething and going through a big developmental leap, because nothing seems to make the poor little man happy.
Today, we plan to relax. Enjoy this week’s reads.
Olive Oil Parmesan Grilled Corn // Fit Foodie Finds
So simple—but it looks divine. What’s better than grilled corn in the summertime?
Grilled Cherry Salsa // How Sweet It Is
Oh Em Geeeee. This looks incredible. The last time I bought cherries, I spent $17. But it would be worth repeating because fresh, seasonal cherries are superb.
Fudgy Black Bean Zucchini Cookies // Hummusapien
Anything described as “fudgy” has to be delicious—even if it’s made with zucchini and black beans.
Sweet Plum Sorbet // Joy the Baker
I adore fresh plums on their own, but I’ve never thought to make anything with them, let alone sorbet. This looks perfectly refreshing, though.
Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread // Sally’s Baking Addiction
Yep, another fudgy-yet-veggie-filled creation. I’ve been craving sweets like a mad woman—and feeling foggy and tired as a result. Still, a girl needs her chocolate; might as well “health it up.”
.Mental Health & Wellness.
Can The Bacteria In Your Gut Explain Your Mood? // The New York Times
Reading about the microbiome and how food affects our mental health is always fascinating.
Postnatal Depletion // Goop
I’ve heard the brain does in fact change during and after pregnancy, but this is quite an interesting read. Much more intense than I’d imagined. And it explains so much about my general brain fog, exhaustion, and inability to focus for more than 5 seconds! 😉
12 Netflix Documentaries That Will Make You Want To Be Healthy // Pop Sugar
I’m a huge documentary fan. Some I’ve seen, but others I’ll have to check out soon.
.Food & Body Image.
On Veganism, Eating Disorder Recovery, and “No” Foods // Choosing Raw
I don’t have the same history or moral stance on veganism as Gena does (unapologetic omnivore here), but I enjoy her blog for its creative recipes and incredible writing. I love how she articulates her viewpoints without sounding overly zealous or condemning of others, and I’m always left with some new insight or knowledge after reading. I imagine it is an extremely fine line rationalizing one’s moral view of food (in her case, veganism) with letting go of one’s fear of “bad” foods (being in the throes of an ED). I can see how many therapists would view a recovering ED sufferer’s conversion to veganism as a red flag, but I can also see how veganism as a lifestyle and moral conviction would free a person from that crippling good/bad dichotomy, even though whole food groups are now off-limits. Although both EDs and moral veganism are outside of my experience, I’d like to think I have a decent understanding of how they come from vastly different places (fear/anxiety/illness vs. compassion/ethics). And I echo the sentiment that food—no matter how tumultuous your past relationship—is vastly important to us all.
Life After Orthorexia: One Blogger’s Quest To Reclaim Her Health // Daily Burn
To offer a different perspective from the above, here’s a story about a blogger whose vegan diet did lead to more disordered eating habits. That’s not to say it caused them, but it shows that further restricting one’s diet—especially if that particular diet causes physical symptoms—can cause further damage if the choices are made out of fear rather than healing.
Enough Whole Food Hating // Clean Eats Fast Feets
So well said. You can lose weight (or stay skinny) by eating Lean Cuisine and avoiding certain foods, but in the long run, your HEALTH suffers. I wish I knew the original blogger/post she’s referring to in her rant to see the words for myself, although it would probably make my blood boil if I read it!
10 Minute No Nonsense Circuit Workout // The Almond Eater
For those days I don’t make it to the gym, I need to incorporate more at-home circuit workouts that don’t require equipment. I like this one; it’s quick!
.Humor & Life Lessons.
If The Exercise Class Descriptions From My Gym Were Honest // The Everywhereist
Not even sure how I stumbled upon this blog, but this post is hilarious. The descriptions, based on my experience, are spot on (which means I must be a masochist since I love Barre, Bikram, Pilates, and BodyPump despite it all!).
Terrifying Infant Firsts // The Lunchbox Diaries
I’m not a kid—or baby—person, and I’ve learned a lot “on the job.” All of these crossed my mind at one point, and I still stare at the monitor or my sleeping 8 month old to make sure he’s still alive!
Parenting Doesn’t Get Easier. It Gets Different. // We Are That Family
This is good to remember—especially on those exhaustion-filled mornings that follow 3:45-AM wake-ups and a baby who thinks middle of the night = playtime. It’s always going to be challenging, but our goal as parents remains largely the same, no matter what “season.”
Thanks for sharing my post. I’m glad it struck a cord with you too.
Gotta share sensible posts to stop the spread of crazy! 🙂
Thanks for sharing my post. I’m glad it struck a cord with you too.
Gotta share sensible posts to stop the spread of crazy! 🙂