Man, I’m glad I lived through last week to pop onto the blog today.
I had every intention of posting last Thursday about “when things don’t go as planned” (in reference to last weekend when Bazooka woke up Saturday morning with an awful stomach bug), but then ironically, those plans changed when I came down with the same awful stomach bug Wednesday evening.
I’m just going to assume from now on that anytime the baby catches something at daycare—I will, too. Apparently my “untouchable” immune system has been touched. And battered.
After staying home from work Thursday (and subsisting on dry toast, French fries, and a tiny bowl of tasteless chicken noodle soup + saltines) I have survived. My tummy is still not 100%, but we all felt well enough to go out for lunch on Sunday and enjoy some sunny-but-cool weather at the park.
Bazooka watched the geese, slid down the slide with me, and swung on the really awkward yellow plastic swings that are impossible to fasten or unfasten. It was a good day! Oh, and I fell off the monkey bars! It was graceful, and the only thing broken was my fingernail (and pride). Basically my American Ninja Warrior dreams have been shattered.
Anyway, I’ll be back later in the week. Hope your weekend was lovely and that #snowpocalypse2016 didn’t cause you too big of a headache.
See you later. 🙂
UGH!!! So many people are coming down with some sort of bug… Myself included! 🙁
Oh no! Feel better 🙂