Motherhood continues to be an adventure—especially since I have a rambunctious toddler on my hands now.
A few months back, I shared some of the “mom lies” I tell myself, and today I thought it would be fun to revisit that idea.
Nope—there’s no way my child is saying “ass”
We’re going to have to get rid of one of them! “them” = baby and dog
I’m going to cut back on caffeine
Tonight is the night my child will eat something for dinner besides hummus!
We could totally handle another kid!
My boobs will come back one day and be better than ever
Today I will find [that missing block, the orange ball, his other sock…etc.]
We’re going to go to bed early tonight!
I’m going to stop worrying about [Bazooka’s weight, cough, development, etc.]
Yessss! I’m finally getting my $#!% together!
- Mother or not—what is a “lie” you tell yourself to get through the day?
- Who should I get rid of—baby or dog? Just kidding. 😉
“She’s so mouthy here but when she’s over at a friend’s house she’s never like this!!” 🙂
Hahaha – I know that very same line was said A LOT about me when I was young.
Your daughter is just *spirited* 🙂
“My child will NEVER do that!!” (after observing a disagreeable misbehaving child in a public place). . the karma bus just runs you over when you say or think that kind of judgmental thought (says the much older and much wiser mother who used to dress her frequently tantruming toddler in overalls so she could pick her up like a six pack after the child has thrown herself on the floor for the fifteenth time that day – )
Oh, man, the karma bus! I’ve eaten so many of my words. Now that I’m dealing with a tantrum-loving toddler I’m careful not to judge other moms, but I’m sure there will be another da where I regret saying “I’ll never do that” or “my child won’t do that.”
Lol as I student I am constantly telling myself I will eventually get my $h!t together. Yep. Never happens.
I’d offer you some encouragement, but that would be a lie. I think my $#!% is even messier now that I’m out of school, working, and learning how to parent. But it’s worth it.
LOL!!! Yes!!! I’m pretty sure I have told myself all of these lies!!!
At least I’m not the only one! 😉
Bahahahahah I tell myself everyday that I’m finally getting my $#%& together!!! It never happens.
Oh yeah, it never happens. In fact, I think my $#!% is even LESS together than it was months ago. 🙂
A lie I tell myself is that one day I will not fart silently when other people are around and then move away quickly so they don’t know its me :-X
Haha these are great, and I think I’ve said all of them at some point! Especially the “tonight we go to bed early”! I say this every single day, and it rarely happens!
Oh, yeah, the going to bed early never happens. 🙁
I think I tell myself these every day! I also feel like my boobs will never be mine again! haha I told myself I was going to bed early last night.. and it was after 10 when I went in. One day. I also tell myself that tonight is the night A will sleep all night. WHAT A FUNNY JOKE!
It NEVER happens!!! And when they finally do sleep all night, you’ll be wide awake wondering if they’re breathing 😉