This past Sunday we celebrated my second official Mother’s Day (even though we enjoyed a lovely brunch and non-alcoholic Bloody Mary when I was pregnant, I figure that one didn’t really count).
Me and the fur-child, Iggy, on Mother’s Day 2014—around 17 weeks pregnant!
We kept things pretty low-key, but it was a special day—and weekend—spent with my two favorite people.
Saturday I opted to skip the gym in favor of “sleeping late,” but Bazooka saw to it that we were up before 7:00, so out went that idea. I still skipped the gym, but instead of sleeping, we ate leftover donuts, sipped our coffee, and enjoyed a lazy morning. Later we stopped by the library to pick up a couple photography books, had lunch at Mugshots (disappointing, oddly-textured burger—not at all what I remember from years ago!), made a trip to the library’s annual book sale, and ended with a grocery haul at Super Target and Whole Foods.
Sunday was even more low-key than Saturday. We got to sleep a little later (thank you, Bazooka!) and enjoyed a lovely brunch of homemade waffles (Bazooka loved them!) topped with raspberries, scrambled eggs, bacon, and an interesting blueberry-chicken sausage we picked up from Whole Foods. Coffee and mimosas were also enjoyed!
Later we went over to my parents’ house so I could visit my mom and give her a little Mother’s Day gift. I can’t believe that we took ZERO pictures of me and Bazooka or my mom and Bazooka on this special day. 🙁
Then, Mark grilled us delicious filets and asparagus and whipped up his (should be) famous mashed potatoes. We “splurged” on a $13 bottle of wine (as opposed to our usual $8, haha) and enjoyed a lovely dinner. Bazooka threw his asparagus and bite of steak on the floor (what?!), but he loved daddy’s potatoes. This carb-loving child is definitely mine!
Pic taken with the new camera—even in horrible artificial light it kicks the iPhone’s a$$
I couldn’t have asked for a better Mother’s Day weekend! I’m looking forward to learning more about the new camera and practicing some shots (and buying ALL the pretty props!), but more than the camera itself, I love the sentiment behind it: to encourage me to improve my blog and photo quality (because it’s important to me) and for us to capture special moments as a family. <3
- If you celebrated, what did you do for Mother’s Day?
- If you use a DSLR, what is your number one tip?
Happy Mothers Day! I don’t have a DSLR and am not very good at photos, so as you learn you should share your experience. On Mothers Day I worked and then called my mom. We’re not too close, but it was good to talk to her. Have a great day 🙂
Thanks, Ellie! I’ll probably be 50 before I master the camera – think you can hang around that long? 😉 Hopefully I make *some* progress in the upcoming months. Have a great day, too!
Ooo I agree with Ellie! If you figure out your camera, I’d love to see some posts on this! Especially because you’re not a self-proclaimed photography expert. It would make me feel a lot more comfortable working with mine! I don’t have the first idea. 😛
Hahaha I just need to read a couple articles about it. I’m teaching myself to edit photos, so I don’t have to take good pictures
It’s amazing how a little finesse with editing can make a so-so photo look great! Have fun with it.
That would be a great idea – chronicling my improvement. I like to share my (very novice) blog tips, so why not photography ones too?
I think your dinner picture looks great. Definitely something I’d like to order!
I’m glad you had a great mother’s day weekend. I know how much getting time to relax matters.
Thanks – it was quite tasty too 🙂
Happy be-lated Mother’s Day! I would say my biggest tip is take the camera with you and take photos of everything. The more you use it the more you learn. I’d also say learn the semi-automatic settings and start learning how to take it out of automatic. I took a short class at our local community college that really helped.
Ok… that was two tips 🙂 Hope it helps.
Thank you. That’s my plan – haul it around with me EVERYWHERE. I’m trying to avoid auto altogether and learn with aperture priority first, but maybe I should ditch that too and just learn manual. I took a class in college (um, over 10 years ago) and I retained NOTHING. 😉
Happy (belated!) Mother’s Day! Sounds like you guys had a lovely weekend.
I have a dslr camera but so rarely use it. I need to make better use of it! I think I shy away from it because I can’t take good indoor photos with it (I have no idea what I’m doing really lol).
Thanks, Brie. Yes, I’ve noticed that the DSLR is worthless indoors since I’m such a newbie. But outside on a nice day, I’m golden. 😉
Happy Mothers Day (again!). I have a DSLR but I rarely use it for now. Big tip: get a good lens, and just play around with it. Practice makes perfect!
Thank you. Yes – I am ready to buy a basic 50mm fixed lens for food/portraits – just feel like I need a little more practice under my belt first! 🙂