Hey guys—hope your week is off to a great start!
Yesterday wasn’t too shabby, and we had a great weekend. We started Saturday early with the NAMI walk, grabbed a bite to eat from The Crepe Crusader food truck, took Bazooka to the park, and visited with my family for my aunt’s birthday.
Sunday was much more low key—we lounged around the house and set up the swimming pool since the day was gorgeous! And I didn’t take a single picture (I’m not sorry).
Anyway, it’s been a couple months since I did one of these Currently posts, so let’s get to it.
Currently // May 2017
Reading // Grace Not Perfection* by Emily Ley. I just started it yesterday, but I’ve read a bunch of books recently. I breezed through All The Bright Places, Mindy Kaling’s Why Not Me? (hilarious), and You Are a Badass.
pool + hilarious book + un-pictured booze = perfect Sunday afternoon!
Watching // Nothing at the moment – we need to find a new show (or just sign up for Hulu so I can watch The Handmaid’s Tale). We watched 13 Reasons Why a couple weeks ago, so I needed a break from anything tense or emotional.
Listening to // The Chasing Joy Podcast. I love Georgie and her blog, In It 4 The Long Run, and she has the best guests (recently I listened to her episode with Kylie from Imma Eat That).
Needing // A new vacuum cleaner (ours sucks—or doesn’t suck, more accurately) and a new lawn mower. Exciting stuff, right?
Loving // The weather—I’m sure it will be a million degrees soon enough, but right now it feels like spring and it’s glorious.
Not loving // Yet another sinus infection. I finally made an appointment with Bazooka’s ENT—if I’m going to pay $50 every time I go to urgent care to get a shot/crappy antibiotic I don’t want to take, I may as well pay the same to go to see specialist and get his advice.
Eating // Cupcakes from Flour Girls Bakery—so good! I’ve had their cake once before, but we had the perfect opportunity to stop by the bakery on Saturday after the NAMI Walk.
This chocolate one had some sort of cream cheese filling—yum!
Drinking // Target’s Simply Balanced sparkling water (it’s cheaper than La Croix and it tastes pretty good!)
Craving // A date night with the hubs. Since I was sick the weekend of our anniversary, we still haven’t done that. Time to start planning!
Avoiding // Clearing out our kitchen. I want to get rid of some of our old plates and glasses so we have room and can actually use our wedding china (it’s a simple white, is very sturdy, and is machine-washable, so it’s good for daily use). Why even have the stuff if we just keep it at the top of our cupboards to collect dust?
Happy about // My mom feeling better. I never mentioned anything on here, but she was having some TIAs (we think) because her blood had gotten too thick (she takes blood thinners because of her artificial heart valve) and spent a week in the hospital at Easter. It was pretty scary for us, but everything seems to be in control now.
Looking forward to // Mother’s Day this weekend. I don’t expect any gifts, but I just want a nice day with my family—and brunch. Always brunch. Maybe we’ll try some place new (to us), as long as mimosas are involved! 😉
these are farm-raised eggs from my cousin—but Mother’s Day brunch will definitely involve eggs, too
Catch up with Catherine #ontheblog - she's talking current reads, eats & treats! Share on X*affiliate link
So tell me…
- What are you looking forward to this week?
- What have you been reading/watching/or listening to lately?
- Any big plans for the summer?
So glad to hear your mom is doing better. Praying for healing!
I am not reading anything other than my study materials, but I am looking forward to more fun reading in my near future. Mindy is hilarious, so maybe I’ll try to find that book!
Thank you, Kate.
All that studying will pay off for you, though! You’ll make it!
I’m reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower right now…its pretty good. I also just finished Falling Free which was AMAZING! Hope your sinus infection feels better!
I’ve actually never read either of those – but they’re going on my list. Thanks, girl!
Happy Mothers Day when it comes. I’m not a mom myself and my mother lives in another country so I won’t be celebrating with her but a group at our church does a program where one lady is crowned mother of the year and we all go and have a great dinner event. This year, my cousin is being honored so I am looking forward to that.
Thank you, Karen. That sounds like a lovely event – hope you enjoyed it.