Long time, no blog, eh?
I decided to take a break last week while we celebrated the 4th of July and spent the week with my in-laws (daycare was closed all week, so thankfully, they were able to stay with us and watch Bazooka while we were at work).
I think it’s nice to unplug every so often, but I did miss this space a little bit.
Very rarely does the idea for a blog post suddenly come to my mind without some outside force. That’s not to say I don’t create this realm and speak write honestly and vulnerably, it just means that I realize how much of my inspiration comes from other strong, intelligent women and men who also create and cultivate a place for conversation.
In a big way, that’s the whole point of blogging. Creating, inspiring, sharing, and communicating with one another.
Anyway, I got the idea for this post from the wonderful and inspiring Carla Birnberg.
As somebody who struggles with defining my “purpose” as an adult—while working in a field completely unrelated to my major—I’m surprised I’ve never come up with a list of personal “commandments” before.
It’s kind of difficult to reduce every important value of mine into a list of 10 short phrases, but this is a pretty good start.
My Personal 10 Commandments
Eat delicious foods (and drink!), with gusto
Read as many books as possible
Laugh loudly and with abandon
Always make time for hugs and kisses
Let honesty, integrity, and kindness win
Judge myself by the same metric by which I judge others (i.e., with grace, respect, and love)
Just pet the dog (unless, of course, it’s a service dog)
Be a sponge (i.e., soak up the culture, tastes, smells, and ideas of this big, beautiful world)
Stop and watch the pelicans dive
Be messy when the time is right
What are your #values? Catherine’s sharing her personal 10 Commandments Share on XSo tell me…
- What is one (or more) of your personal 10 Commandments?
- If you blog as well, where do you find your inspiration?
Love this!! I agree with these wholeheartedly–especially eating delicious foods! I’d also say eat dessert every day!
Yesss to dessert! 🙂
Couldn’t agree more on the dog part!