This past weekend was one of the best weekends we’ve had in a long time.
I fully expected temper tantrums, discomfort (it was soooo hot for mid-October), and an array of negative things, but, for the most part, our Saturday went perfectly.
It made me feel as if I do have a tiny bit of mastery on this whole parenting thing.
And it also reminded me that, if we surrender to our environment and accept that things are not always in our control, we can experience life more fully and enjoy the beautiful, fleeting moments.
Why It’s Important to Surrender
Like a lot of people, I really, really, really like to be in control.
When I feel as if my situation is beyond my control, that’s where my anxiety creeps in. And that’s when I become defensive, quick to anger, unkind to myself and others, and basically intolerable.
But, of course, very little is truly in our control.
We are just one small part of this world—a world full of chaos, chance, good and evil, unbelievable kindness, natural disasters, natural beauty, poor decisions and judgments, romance, misunderstandings, and a whole host of other things that may delight us or ruffle our feathers.
In fact, while I do believe our choices impact our destinies and we must be willing to make the effort (i.e., things we want aren’t just presented to us on silver platters and we can’t simply be spectators in our lives and expect to be fulfilled), I think our attitudes are one of the only things we have complete control over.
And that’s why, despite there being so much in the world to annoy us, scare us, and bring us down, we have to surrender. We have to acknowledge our limitations and be ready to react accordingly to what life gives us.
Whether that’s little things like unseasonable weather, fussy toddlers, events that don’t go as planned or big, life-altering things like terminal illness, job loss, natural disasters, or betrayal by the people we love and respect most, we have to be ready to roll with the punches.
Am I perfect at this? Hell no, but I’m actively working on it.
I’m trying to limit my negative self-talk and venting at work or elsewhere.
I’m limiting my news-watching because, while knowledge is important, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.
And I’m trying to live in the moment instead of worrying what may happen an hour—or years—down the road.
If Saturday was any indication—and the “soreness” I felt in my face from smiling so darn much at my incredible child having such a fun time—then surrendering to the unknowns and to the moment is absolutely, 100% worth it.
Why it’s so important to surrender and live in the moment Share on X[linking up with Amanda for thinking out loud]
So tell me…
- Do you have trouble “surrendering” to the moment/uncertainty?
- What strategies do you use to practice mindfulness?
- What’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve done recently?
i do have trouble surrendering… i have been telling myself recently to soften my grip and just FLOW with life. that mantra has been helping me tremendously! love this post catherine. thank you
Thanks, Alyssa. Yes, “softening” is something I need to actively work on, too.