In honor of National Running Day, I thought I’d talk about—you guessed it—running. Side note: it’s also National Cheese Day, and while I could fill post after post waxing poetic about the heavenly glory that is cheese (sorry vegans and lactose-intolerant peeps), I figured a running post fit more into the whole “healthy living” corner…
Strawberry Oat Crumble Bars + WIAW
I’d sworn that I was no longer turning on the oven unless I had to, but sometimes you just want a delicious baked good over a cold treat. Especially when it’s grey and dreary and seems like it will never stop raining. Enter these strawberry oatmeal crumble bars. These were incredibly easy to make (though…
Weekly Links 06.01.14
Happy Sunday, happy June, and happy beginning of hurricane season (ok, maybe not that last one). Today is full of relaxation and inhaling the aroma of Mark’s delicious spaghetti and meatballs, but yesterday was pretty busy (despite the rain). Earlier in the day, I went with my mother to a cousin-in-law’s (if that’s a thing?) wedding…
Weekly Links 05.25.14
I’m keeping this intro short, because right now I’m enjoying some quality family time in Mississippi with the in-laws (and doggies-in-law). Hope everybody is having a magnificent Sunday. I hope you all have a safe and happy Memorial Day, and let’s remember those who have served and sacrificed their lives. .Recipes. Almond Torte Mascarpone Ice…
All About Hydration
It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized the importance of hydration. My love affair with water began as a way to limit my “boredom snacking” at work; stuck at my computer, I’d always get a hankering for chips, sweets, and less healthy foods. To help keep my stomach full, I kept refillable…
Almond Butter, Oat, & Chocolate Chip Snack Bites + WIAW
I have to apologize to you again. (This seems to have become a habit for me.) All of the recipes I’ve come up with recently are for sweets/desserts. We’ve been cooking a lot of our old stand-by meals lately, and when I say “we,” I really mean “Mark.” I’ve mentioned before that my pregnancy sweet…
For Two Fitness
You all may not have noticed, but if you have a really keen eye, you might have spotted a brand new badge on my side bar. That’s right—I was recently selected to be a For Two Fitness Ambassador! I’m extremely excited to help promote and represent this fantastic brand. If you’re unfamiliar, For Two Fitness…
Meal Plan Monday 05.19.14
Happy Monday! I feel that referring to today as “happy” is perfectly acceptable since next Monday is Memorial Day and most of us have a 3-day weekend awaiting us. It’s been a few weeks since I shared my last weekly meal plan, so I thought I’d pop in today with some of the dinners we…
Weekly Links 05.18.14
Why, oh why, is the weekend over already? Here on the Gulf Coast, we couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather! Although quite warm, it was sunny and breezy, perfect for completing the NAMI Walk through campus Saturday morning. Iggy completed the entire 3.1 miles—quite impressive for a miniature dachshund (Although he did tear up…
Thinking Out Loud 05.15.14
Happy Thinking Out Loud Thursday! No attempts at witty lead-ins today, I’m just getting right down to the randomness… 1. I’m being crazy ambitious today and posting twice. Well, if you want to get technical, then this morning’s recipe post was actually posted last night and scheduled for today, but you know what I mean……
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