I know, I know. Every blogger is bombarding you with pumpkin recipes since we’ve been experiencing fall for, oh, not even a full week. I promise in the next couple of months I will share comforting, warming, autumn-inspired dishes that feature other ingredients, but since I haven’t done a lot of cooking lately, this pumpkin…
WIAW: Nectarine, Goat Cheese, and Honey-Cinnamon Roasted Chickpea Salad
Happy, happy hump day! Since I didn’t photograph many of my meals this week (and don’t want to bore you to death), I’m sharing a simple-but-satisfying recipe that takes advantage of the remnants of summer produce. The idea came to me as I discovered a single nectarine and half a package of goat cheese in…
Roux Dat: The Best Gumbo in ‘Bama
Gumbo is something special. Every family along the Gulf Coast has their favorite, and it’s usually a family recipe, handed down through several generations. I may be biased, but I’m here to tell you that the Davis-Miele gumbo truly is the best in Alabama. If Mark’s spaghetti and meatballs (which I promise to share soon)…
Lentil & Quinoa Salad With Grapes, Cucumber, and Hazelnuts
Some foods and flavors are obvious matches: peanut butter and jelly (though I will admit I didn’t enjoy that combination until recently), French fries and ketchup, cookies and cream, etc. Other pairings are strange on the surface, however, but work just as magically as “the classics.” I’m talking about avocado and chocolate (like in this…
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bites
Growing up, I was a chocolate chip girl. Shortbread, the Plain Jane that it is, wasn’t even worthy of calling itself a cookie. Snickerdoodles, though a fun word to say, were missing pizzazz. Peanut butter cookies, with their back-of-fork indentations, were pretty stellar (I mean, peanut butter was basically the only sandwich topping I ate…
Healthy Brownie Bites
Apart from my slow-cooker jambalaya, it’s been a while since I’ve posted a legitimate recipe. While these Healthy Brownie Bites are hardly complicated enough to fit that category, I have to share something with you all! Maybe it’s that high metabolism of mine, but having healthy snacks on hand is necessary for my—and my peers’—survival….
Slow Cooker Jambalaya
The sole redeeming factor of our long, sweltering, southern summers (well, besides fresh produce and beautiful beaches) is football season. Though I’m not loyal to a college team (I support the SEC in general—best conference in the country!), I do love my New Orleans Saints. Who dat?!!… Tonight, to “celebrate” our first pre-season game against…
No-Cook Meals for the Summertime
Since it’s blazing hot in basically every region in this country, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite, tried-and-true, no-cook meals. Turning on the oven or stovetop all day is nearly blasphemous in the summertime, so stocking up on raw vegetables and other easy ingredients has become my new priority. First…
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Mushrooms are another one of those foods I avoided like the plague for most of my life. Though the idea of eating a fungus still creeps me out a bit, I’ve grown to love mushrooms of all varieties, in all types of dishes. I love a good steak on occasion (filet, usually), but I equally…
Happy Birthday Iggy + Peanut Butter-Carrot “Pupcakes”
I’m officially that girl. The girl who dotes on her dog and bakes him birthday cake. Today is our sweet Ignatius Loyal Miele’s 5th birthday, and I thought it would be perfect to share a healthy, dog-friendly birthday treat. Iggy is a handful, but he makes our little family complete (at least until there are…
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