Happy Thursday, friends! What is it about a short week that makes me anticipate the weekend even more than usual? Whatever it is, I’m excited to have a short Thursday (well, I’m working just half a day, but I have a busy schedule after: lunch with Mark, tour of the maternity ward, 34 week doctor’s…
thinking out loud
Thinking Out Loud 08.07.14
Hi, friends! Today I’m linking up with Amanda at Running With Spoons for some Thinking Out Loud. 1. I had big plans for a blog post yesterday—and they fell through (story of my life). You know how seemingly every day is a food holiday? Well, yesterday was National Root Beer Float Day, and I was…
Thinking Out Loud 05.15.14
Happy Thinking Out Loud Thursday! No attempts at witty lead-ins today, I’m just getting right down to the randomness… 1. I’m being crazy ambitious today and posting twice. Well, if you want to get technical, then this morning’s recipe post was actually posted last night and scheduled for today, but you know what I mean……
Thinking Out Loud 03.27.14
Hello, there! Today I’m popping in for a quick “hello” via the lovely Spoons’ Thinking Out Loud link-up. 1. Can spring just stay around for a while? One week it’s gloriously warm and sunny, the next, it’s snowing a few hours north. I live in Alabama, and when I have to scrape ice off my…
Thinking Out Loud #9
1. I’ve lied yet again. I promised a return to blogging, and I haven’t exactly delivered. At least I’m joining the lovely Amanda’s link-up today, right? Seriously, though, blogging is often incredibly therapeutic for me, and other times, it’s a fun challenge. But the last few weeks, it’s just been the last thing on my…
Thinking Out Loud #8
1. Is it just me, or has this week been crawling at a snail’s pace? Maybe it’s because I’ve had to work 5 days in a row after only working Monday and Friday of last week (due to snowpocalypse), but I’m dying for the weekend to get here! 2. Or maybe the slow pace of…
"Good" vs. "Bad" Food: Is there (and should there be) a distinction?
Whether you contribute to the healthy living community or just peruse your blog feed from time to time, chances are you’ve heard—and formulated your own—arguments regarding so-called “good” and “bad” foods. [source] Admittedly, I’m guilty of (silently) passing judgment on my coworkers who eat frozen, microwaveable meals every day at work while I munch on…
Thinking Out Loud #7
1. Well, it looks like I got my wish: Tuesday and Wednesday were “snow days” and work was cancelled. Since there was another hard freeze Wednesday night and ice is still pretty thick, we’re also closed today. The poor hubby has to go in at 11:00, though. (Edit: I *may* have to go into work…
Thinking Out Loud #6
1. Truth: I never know how to begin these Thinking Out Loud posts. I’m a crazy, random person anyway, but I feel like too much randomness straight out of the gate might scare you from reading! 2. Speaking of scaring people, apparently I need to work on my “resting bitch-face syndrome” and approachability. A week…
Thinking Out Loud #5
1. Is it too late to start thinking about my birthday plans? Mark just bought us tickets to see Bill Maher (on Feb 8th, 2 days before the big day)—and I’m contemplating where I want to eat dinner. The Bull is one of my favorites and worth revisiting, but with La Pizzeria re-opening a few…
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