Forgive me for coming at you late today. In fact, with all the sorrow and shock going on in the world right now following the tragedy in Las Vegas and just being a little busier than usual, I didn’t intend on posting today. But here I am. If you didn’t already know, this week has…
thinking out loud
How I’m Cultivating Brené Brown’s 10 Guideposts to Wholehearted Living
By now, you guys know that I’m a HUGE fan of Brené Brown. I first read The Gifts of Imperfection* (from which today’s theme originated) earlier this year and finished Daring Greatly* a couple weeks ago. Her newly-published Braving the Wilderness* is next on my list! (*affiliate links) I’ve watched her TED Talks on vulnerability…
10 Things to Know About Therapy
I’ve been seeing a therapist—a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in particular—since May. It’s been a year since I began taking an SSRI for anxiety/depression, and I sort of skipped that logical first step of seeking therapy before turning to medication. But…the past is in the past, and starting medication when I did was a necessary…
Parenting Really Is Team Work
Oh, Bazooka. In just under one month, you will be turning 3 years old. THREE!!! You are such a ball of fire—with more attitude, spunk, mischievousness, compassion, and “smarts” than all the other toddlers I know combined (at least it feels that way). You challenge me daily—with my temper, my self-confidence, my patience, my creativity,…
Be a Unicorn
Some days I get so tired of adulting. On one hand, I’m incredibly privileged. I’m married to the love of my life, I have the sweetest, funniest, and sassiest toddler, and very few things in my life are truly challenging or painful. But on the other hand, I miss the simplicity and naiveté of childhood—the…
15 Ways to be Nice to Yourself Today
If the last few months have taught me one thing, it’s that I need to be nicer to myself. I’ve always known that I carry the “the perfectionism gene,” but once I started looking more deeply inward and discussing all these negative stories and limiting beliefs with somebody whose job is to listen non-judgmentally and…
Currently // August 2017
Hi there! How’s your Thursday going? August is almost over, and I’m not exactly sad. Summer just isn’t the same when you work year-round! Anyway, I thought I’d take a break from my melodramatic and/or psychoanalyzing deep thinking today and share what’s going on currently. Currently // August 2017
Some Honest Thoughts on Aging
This post grew from a request made by a family member many months ago, but now seemed a fitting time to share some thoughts since the hubby’s birthday is tomorrow. 😉 Actually, what really made me want to share my thoughts on aging was the recent announcement by Allure magazine that they will no longer…
What The Health Review
Last weekend we watched the latest nutrition-related documentary on Netflix called What the Health. By now, you’ve probably seen or heard of it—it’s all over the place. I’ll share my thoughts on the film, but first, a little background. When I began my blog in 2012—then called foodiecology—I was obsessed with nutrition and food. I’d…
On Craving Connection
Do you crave connection? If you say no, I’m calling you out. Because even the most introverted among us (oh hello there, self) are social beings to some degree—it’s in our DNA. Sure, we crave connection in different ways. You may enjoy being surrounded by groups of people, interviewing folks on your podcast, teaching ESL…
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