Let me preface my review of To The Bone by stating a couple things: I am not a trained mental health or eating disorder specialist, and I am writing based solely on my own opinions and understanding of the complexities of eating disorders. Having never been diagnosed with an ED or undergone treatment for one,…
thinking out loud
Thoughts on Meditation
No matter how you slice it, I’m a high-strung person. Always have been, even as a child, and I probably always will be (fortunately for me, Bazooka appears to share that trait—parenting is going to be fun stuff). Tension is my middle name (or may as well be), and relaxing is often a struggle. Relaxing!…
Overcoming the S-Word
Do you struggle with the s-word? Nope, not that one…I’m talking about the word should. Should as in obligation or duty or expectation. If you’re anything like me, you probably struggle with “should” quite often. In fact, your whole life may be centered on what you should be doing versus what you want to be…
5 Things That Have Served Me Well in June and 3 That Haven’t
So, I got the idea for this post from the lovely Kate who co-founded Thirty On Tap (the website I contribute to occasionally). Predictably, this goes along with the whole self-care theme I’ve been running into the ground exploring lately, but I like the idea of reflecting upon the month at large and setting small…
Self-Care: It’s About the Interior, Not the Exterior
Lately I’ve been talking a lot about self-care. In fact, you might be grumbling to yourself “no, not again!” but I just can’t help it. “Self-care” is a buzzword we never stop hearing, but that’s for good reason because we often neglect to care for ourselves. We put everybody else’s wellbeing above our own, and…
Motherhood Lately
It’s been a while since I’ve talked about mom life. Oh, motherhood—how exciting, hilarious, frustrating, tiring, emotional, and challenging you are! Bazooka is deep in the throes of “terrible two-dom,” and he can easily go from sweet angel to devil child in less than 0.043 seconds. He definitely keeps us on our toes! Even though…
I Ate My Words (Atop Some Sweet Potato Toast)
This may come as a shock to those who know me well, but I am a person who functions in extremes. I’m either extremely on or extremely off. (Hence why control of my anxiety is a constant struggle.) Anyway, because I tend to function in extremes, I also tend to see certain trends, ideas, or lifestyle…
5 Ways to Ease Sleep Struggles
So…back in March I got a Fitbit. For years I said I would never get a fitness tracker (the idea seemed absurd—like it could become too addictive), but since I know for a fact that I’m more sedentary at work than I used to be, I (fit)bit the bullet. So far, I’m loving my brand…
Boring Self-Care
I recently (as in yesterday) discovered a new Instagram account called makedaisychains and the hashtag #boringselfcare. images via makedaisychains I actually love boring self-care!
You Have To Put Your Oxygen Mask On First
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. For the entire month, NAMI supporters and mental health advocates are promoting awareness of mental health conditions and working together to live #stigmafree. Learn more at nami.org. Do you ever feel like a failure? Or a fraud? Or like you’re free-falling through the air, grasping for your loved…
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