Hey guys! How’s your week? Mine has been so BUSY (perfect timing for today’s post) and I couldn’t be more excited about it almost being Friday because TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY! I thought about taking the day off from work, but since we were gone an entire week last month, I decided against it. I…
thinking out loud
How Taking An Antidepressant Has Changed My Life
Taking an antidepressant – plainly and simply – changed my life. It’s natural to fear the unknown, but if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, medication may be an option for you.
Life Lessons Learned from Fitness
Over the years I’ve unfortunately become more sedentary than I used to be (thanks to a 9-5 office job), but throughout my childhood, I was incredibly active and fit. Competitive gymnastics was a huge part of my life, and while it provided me with many memories and entertaining experiences, it also taught me several life…
What I Won’t Do in 2017
Year after year, I give in to peer pressure by writing out the customary New Year’s resolution post. But you know what? I’m not really a big New Year’s resolution person. Yes, I like to create periodic goals for myself, but I sort of eschew the expectation of setting pie-in-the-sky resolutions one month only to break…
2016: Reflections
I know I said I wasn’t going to post again until the New Year, but some thoughts and reflections came to me last week and I didn’t want to leave 2016 hanging in the dust, forgotten. You’ll forgive me?… So, how was your Christmas? Ours was lovely, if not rather balmy with the 70-something degree…
Christmas Confessions
Hey guys! I wanted to pop in on this lovely thinking out loud Thursday before signing off for the rest of the year. Because…it’s almost Christmas!! I’ve said it many times, but jeez, has this holiday snuck up on me this time around. In an effort to be more present (but not for more presents, har-har),…
It’s OK To Feel Sad Sometimes…
Toward the end of the summer, I began taking an antidepressant for my Generalized Anxiety Disorder and accompanying depression. The last few months have reminded me that I made a positive decision. I was lucky not to experience any major side effects (just some temporarily increased anxiety and slight insomnia in the beginning), and I’ve…
5 Tips for a Truly Healthy Holiday
You know, some things are just plain weird to me. It’s particularly weird how we treat the holiday season as some panic-inducing few weeks where we must stick to a regimented healthy holiday exercise routine and restrict our food intake so we can “safely indulge” at parties. Sorry, but that’s not even close to what…
To The Real Moms…
Hi, guys. Thank the good lord it’s already Thursday – I’m ready for some relaxation and downtime. Work’s actually going pretty well, but it’s been a tiring week. Not very stressful, but tiring for some reason. I guess with motherhood there will always be stress and exhaustion, which is why I’m sharing a few words…
Are You Living Your Passion?
I wrote this post several months ago when I was feeling discouraged and, honestly, a bit jealous. I thought for sure while re-reading that it was too negative to share, but then I decided “to hell with it—I am going to post it anyway.” Sometimes we feel angry…or jealous…or bitter…or stuck. This was during one…
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