Woohoo, it’s (almost) the weekend! I feel like I begin these Friday posts a lot more cheerfully than my others—wonder why? 😉 So, this morning I don’t have too much to chat about, so let’s go ahead and jump into Top 3 Friday. Top 3 Eats 1) Crab Cake Eggs Benedict // If you read…
Spring Bucket List
The other day I was attempting (read: struggling) to come up with blog topics, when I suddenly remembered sharing my fall and holiday bucket lists with you all. Oh, hey, it’s a new season! I may have missed the official welcoming of spring a couple weeks back, but since some of you guys are still…
My Healthy Living ABCs
Funny story. Last month we purchased a magnetic phonics set for Bazooka. He’s obviously too young to be reciting his ABCs, but we thought it was a neat toy after seeing it at our friends’ house. Anyway, every time this child stops to look at or play with the magnets, he will, without fail, grab…
Why I Don’t Always Buy Organic
Hey there! How’s your week going? Mine hasn’t been too shabby. Bazooka is getting over his cold and is sleeping better (which means we’re sleeping better!), I got in a great BODYPUMP workout last night, and it feels like spring outside so I’ve been enjoying the heck out of my daily walks. If you live in…
Recovery Weekend
Man, I’m glad I lived through last week to pop onto the blog today. I had every intention of posting last Thursday about “when things don’t go as planned” (in reference to last weekend when Bazooka woke up Saturday morning with an awful stomach bug), but then ironically, those plans changed when I came down with the…
Breast Cancer Awareness: Why Stop at October?
Happy Wednesday to you! I’d wager that all, or at least most, of you know that October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With community events like Breast Cancer Awareness walks or golf tournaments or watching football players in the NFL decked out in hot pink accessories, it’s hard to miss. Just because it’s November—a time…
Fasting & Purging: 4 Months of Cutting Back on Spending & Clutter
For many months, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about clutter (mental and physical “clutter,” but today’s post is about the latter). Specifically, how I have too much of it and that it’s suffocating me. I’m the worst procrastinator and packrat (thanks, parents!), so you can only imagine how those 2 traits have created a…
My First Guest Post!
Good morning! I’m exhausted. And I can’t begin to express how grateful I am that it’s Friday. A certain someone (hint: it’s not me, my husband, or the dog) will NOT sleep. At least this is just a phase. I’m thrilled to tell you that my very first guest post is being shared by the…
Trying Essential Oils
I’m not a stranger to holistic and natural healing. I know yoga has helped me with anxiety, I swear by apple cider vinegar and raw honey to ward off colds, and I believe a host of modern ailments can be healed or prevented with diet rather than pills. Nevertheless, I’ve always run from the you-know-there’s-an-oil-for-that crowd. I…
The Weekend {Sentence per Picture}
Hello! How was your weekend?… I’ve got a couple of mom/baby-related posts that I want to post soon, but I don’t want those to be the only thing I share. I really, really miss experimenting in the kitchen, but when I have free time, I want to spend it resting or cuddling with Baby M….
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