Every year around this time I share a post centered on ways to enjoy the holiday season. I’m back again, and I hope my tips are a familiar and welcomed refrain instead of a redundancy. Because, like it or not, we all get caught up in the frenzy of the holidays. And we sometimes fall…
Thanksgiving & How I Practice Gratitude Daily
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all are surrounded by loved ones, enjoying a delicious meal and the many comforts of life. And, if you are working or otherwise unable to spend the day with family, I hope you have a day full of blessings and pleasant surprises wherever you may be. Thanksgiving is rooted in…
5 Things to Remember About “Haters”
In the words of Taylor Swift, “haters gonna hate (hate hate hate hate).” Anybody who’s ever spoken up for themselves or shared the depths of their own passions and vulnerabilities has dealt with a hater (or two). Whether it’s an anonymous internet troll, a grade school bully, or a jealous coworker, every single one of…
Don’t Lose Sight of Your Happiness Setpoint
Note: I wrote this post on Wednesday before we awoke to news of the mass shooting in Thousand Oaks. The depths of this tragedy are vast and the grief felt by the victims’ loved ones is something I can only imagine. I choose to share this post—now—not to minimize this enormous suffering and injustice but…
Food is NOT…
I mentioned last week that my anxiety has been ramped up lately (I’d say moving was a big part of it), and I’ve found myself turning to food to ease those feelings a little too frequently. To be honest, I think occasional instances of emotional eating are COMPLETELY NORMAL. But lately I’ve found myself standing…
Thoughts for World Mental Health Day and Beyond
I usually prepare a post in advance for days like today, but while I did know in the back of my mind that today is World Mental Health Day and October 7-13 is Mental Health Awareness Week, writing hasn’t been a primary focus the last couple months. And, if I’m being completely honest, I’ve been…
Is Your Social Media Experience Healthy?
As a blogger, I spend a lot of time on social media. And, as a creatively-inclined and opinionated introvert, I enjoy much of the time I spend on social media. Nevertheless, I’m aware that my habits aren’t always healthy. When I’m scrolling on my phone instead of listening intently to my husband, for instance. Or…
10 Ways I Manage My Anxiety
Several months ago I received an email from a woman who’d read my post on antidepressants. She was so thoughtful and brave by reaching out to me and sharing a few details about her own anxiety and decision to begin taking an antidepressant, and I truly hope that she is doing well today. I love…
What Does It Mean to “Listen to Your Body?”
Intuitive eating and exercise are ubiquitous within the healthy living circle—and for good reason. Let me disclose that I’m not a trained fitness or nutrition professional, but even I can attest (mostly from personal experience) that a diet and exercise routine too regimented and predictable isn’t very good for you. I think most people would…
…None of Your Business
In a two-day span, I saw this quote in several different places, and it resonated strongly with me: Isn’t that great? Of course this quote got me thinking because, even as an adult and somebody who, in many ways, is over and done with trying to impress people, I still struggle with, well, trying to…
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