Last week I listened to an interview between Erin Bahadur (of Erin’s Inside Job) and Sarah Nicole Landry (of The Birds Papaya) as part of Erin’s inaugural Mental Health Summit. Each interview that I heard was fantastic and informative (and, if you didn’t listen in real time, I believe you can still purchase the “all…
Don’t Lose Sight of Your Happiness Setpoint
Note: I wrote this post on Wednesday before we awoke to news of the mass shooting in Thousand Oaks. The depths of this tragedy are vast and the grief felt by the victims’ loved ones is something I can only imagine. I choose to share this post—now—not to minimize this enormous suffering and injustice but…
3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Life…Right Now
I don’t like to admit this, but I used to be a bit of a Debbie Downer. Instead of looking inward, taking care of my health, and trying to find the good in each day, I caved to the comparison trap, ate crappy food, and focused on the negative. Newsflash: that is not a way…
Transformation Tuesday
Chances are, if you have Facebook or Instagram, you’ve seen the hashtag #transformationtuesday and the oodles of weight loss/weight gain photos accompanying it. Bodies transformed from loose to ripped, pre- and post-pregnancy comparisons, or even an underweight frame with a healthy smile and few added pounds are common themes. I think it’s great to celebrate…
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