Intuitive eating and exercise are ubiquitous within the healthy living circle—and for good reason. Let me disclose that I’m not a trained fitness or nutrition professional, but even I can attest (mostly from personal experience) that a diet and exercise routine too regimented and predictable isn’t very good for you. I think most people would…
intuitive eating
5 Food “Rules” I Follow Every Day + WIAW
…Not the kind of title you’d expect on my blog, right? Well, I’m not talking about the typical food “rule.” You know the ones: only low-fat dairy no dessert except on weekends if I eat that cupcake, then I have to run 30 extra minutes on the treadmill just one perfectly-measured TBSP of nut butter,…
"Good" vs. "Bad" Food: Is there (and should there be) a distinction?
Whether you contribute to the healthy living community or just peruse your blog feed from time to time, chances are you’ve heard—and formulated your own—arguments regarding so-called “good” and “bad” foods. [source] Admittedly, I’m guilty of (silently) passing judgment on my coworkers who eat frozen, microwaveable meals every day at work while I munch on…
What I Ate Wednesday: When The Sweet Tooth Strikes
Oh, hey there, friends! We’re already half-way through the work week, which means it’s time for another What I Ate Wednesday. Once again, I’m being unconventional (no single full day of meals to share)—but you can blame my wonky appetite for that. I’ve been neglecting the veggies and satisfying a mega sweet tooth the last…
Eating Intuitively
Intuitive Eating is often discussed within the healthy living blog community, but what does it really mean? Is it something to which we should all strive—or is it yet another slippery slope into the world of disordered eating habits? [source] In my opinion, eating intuitively is actually pretty simple—since it literally means eating without conscious…
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