Every third Friday in June is National Stop Cyberbullying Day. I am sharing my own experience with cyberbullying and online harassment as well as providing resources for victims, loved ones, and those who wish to advocate and do their part to make the web a more encouraging and accepting place.
mental health
It seems our society places a whole lot of emphasis on being tough. On holding ourselves together and never wavering when we face challenges and difficulties. On not letting things—hurtful comments, defiant children, micro-managing bosses—get under our skin, or at least keeping the tears contained to a slight moistening. But what if we threw out…
You Can’t Hate Yourself Happy
Last week I listened to an interview between Erin Bahadur (of Erin’s Inside Job) and Sarah Nicole Landry (of The Birds Papaya) as part of Erin’s inaugural Mental Health Summit. Each interview that I heard was fantastic and informative (and, if you didn’t listen in real time, I believe you can still purchase the “all…
Come as You Are: NEDA Week 2019
Any time that I’ve gone through a rough patch regarding my mental health, body image, or eating habits, my biggest roadblock for changing my direction or asking for the help I needed was simply this: “I am not struggling, unhappy, sick, (insert applicable adjectives) enough.” We are taught from a young age to take care…
5 Things I Wish I’d Done Differently In Therapy
I’ve mentioned before how writing is a form of therapy to me—it’s a method of relaxation (or venting, depending on my mood), finding a way to articulate the many thoughts I struggle to speak out loud, and reaching others who may have similar experiences. One minute I’m reflecting on current events, and the next I’m…
5 Tips for Enjoying the Holidays
Every year around this time I share a post centered on ways to enjoy the holiday season. I’m back again, and I hope my tips are a familiar and welcomed refrain instead of a redundancy. Because, like it or not, we all get caught up in the frenzy of the holidays. And we sometimes fall…
Don’t Lose Sight of Your Happiness Setpoint
Note: I wrote this post on Wednesday before we awoke to news of the mass shooting in Thousand Oaks. The depths of this tragedy are vast and the grief felt by the victims’ loved ones is something I can only imagine. I choose to share this post—now—not to minimize this enormous suffering and injustice but…
Trust Your Own Journey
I mentioned the other day on Instagram that I’m having trouble “trusting my own journey.” Mostly, though, I think I’ve been struggling to UNDERSTAND and TRUST my own voice, experience, and “expertise” (not that I’m a certified “expert” on anything, really).
Thoughts for World Mental Health Day and Beyond
I usually prepare a post in advance for days like today, but while I did know in the back of my mind that today is World Mental Health Day and October 7-13 is Mental Health Awareness Week, writing hasn’t been a primary focus the last couple months. And, if I’m being completely honest, I’ve been…
Is Your Social Media Experience Healthy?
As a blogger, I spend a lot of time on social media. And, as a creatively-inclined and opinionated introvert, I enjoy much of the time I spend on social media. Nevertheless, I’m aware that my habits aren’t always healthy. When I’m scrolling on my phone instead of listening intently to my husband, for instance. Or…
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