Don’t worry, this post isn’t really about the scale or how I’ve gained 10 pounds, so stick with me, please. I know that it may not be the best habit, but for the last several months I’ve been weighing myself daily. It’s not for any particular reason other than curiosity, and I guess my scale-watching…
mental health
Can too much of a good thing be a bad thing?
Hey guys—coming at you late on this fine Thursday! So, the idea for this post came to me after I’d decided to take a break the rest of the week when I realized I didn’t have anything prepared. Funny, those spontaneous, thinking out loud ramblings are sometimes the most relatable. I’ve been feeling rather anxious…
How Taking An Antidepressant Has Changed My Life
Taking an antidepressant – plainly and simply – changed my life. It’s natural to fear the unknown, but if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, medication may be an option for you.
It’s OK To Feel Sad Sometimes…
Toward the end of the summer, I began taking an antidepressant for my Generalized Anxiety Disorder and accompanying depression. The last few months have reminded me that I made a positive decision. I was lucky not to experience any major side effects (just some temporarily increased anxiety and slight insomnia in the beginning), and I’ve…
My Struggle With Anxiety (+ National Depression Screening Day)
This week is National Mental Illness Awareness Week, and today, October 6, is National Depression Screening Day. Chances are, if you don’t suffer from anxiety or depression yourself, then you have family or friends who do, which is why I think it’s incredibly important to talk about our experiences and encourage one another to reach out…
NEDA 2015: I had no idea…
When I began my blog in late 2012, I dove into the “healthy living” community with gusto (in my mind, at least). I spent the better part of my (then) slow work days reading food blogs, imagining myself a raw vegan (that didn’t last too long thanks to my deeply rooted love for bacon), and…
Transformation Tuesday
Chances are, if you have Facebook or Instagram, you’ve seen the hashtag #transformationtuesday and the oodles of weight loss/weight gain photos accompanying it. Bodies transformed from loose to ripped, pre- and post-pregnancy comparisons, or even an underweight frame with a healthy smile and few added pounds are common themes. I think it’s great to celebrate…
Healthy Living Blogging + Mental Illness Awareness Week
In the healthy living community, there are infinite resources for eating well and finding the perfect fitness routine; there is, however, much less attention being paid to mental well-being. Today is the beginning of Mental Illness Awareness Week. Having both a therapist husband and a family history of depression and anxiety, I’m well aware of…
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