I’d sworn that I was no longer turning on the oven unless I had to, but sometimes you just want a delicious baked good over a cold treat. Especially when it’s grey and dreary and seems like it will never stop raining. Enter these strawberry oatmeal crumble bars. These were incredibly easy to make (though…
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bites
Growing up, I was a chocolate chip girl. Shortbread, the Plain Jane that it is, wasn’t even worthy of calling itself a cookie. Snickerdoodles, though a fun word to say, were missing pizzazz. Peanut butter cookies, with their back-of-fork indentations, were pretty stellar (I mean, peanut butter was basically the only sandwich topping I ate…
Bake My Day
Today (even shortly after breakfast) I had one thing on my mind: COOKIES. I mentioned to Mark over the weekend that I had the urge to bake, but after reading about—and salivating over—cookies here, I knew I had to pull out the baking sheets ASAP. I’m basically the Cookie Monster. Back in high school, a…
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