As difficult as it’s been, I’ve been trying to lay off the sweets during my pregnancy. Says the woman who bought cinnamon rolls and 2 slices of cake at the grocery last weekend! I’ve always had a pretty big sweet tooth, but I’ve become pretty good about keeping healthier sweets on-hand (such as these or…
Virgin Mango Lime Margaritas
Even if I weren’t pregnant—and even if I could consume all the frozen margaritas I desired—I’d be lying if I acted like Cinco de Mayo (or any Mexican dinner night) wasn’t about the glorious, flavorful food. This pregnant, food-obsessed woman can’t wait to bite into a crunchy taco shell and slather homemade guacamole (with extra…
St. Patrick’s Day 2014 + Cheater’s Shepherd’s Pie
Hi friends! I hope everybody is wearing their green and sipping a frosty, festive-colored beer for me! 🙂 Even though I have just a small bit of Irish ancestry, I love any excuse to dress up, eat delicious food, and party with good friends. Though today I was back at work, this past weekend was…
WIAW + Shredded Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Pomegranate, Pistachio, and Walnut Salad
Happy Wednesday, my dears! Today is monumental because I’m actually posting a recipe for you guys. It’s the first recipe of the year—and also the first since mid-November. I’m ashamed. 🙁 My shame aside, do you remember that salad I talked about at Thanksgiving? Well, I discovered a few (bad) photos on my camera, and…
Porcini Mushroom Risotto + WIAW
If you’ve ever watched an episode of Top Chef, you’ll realize that risotto has a bit of a reputation. Any experienced cook knows the satisfaction and comfort that result from a perfectly creamy, yet ever-so-slightly al dente risotto, one that is neither too soupy nor excessively sticky and thick. Nevertheless, it’s something that must be…
Fall-Inspired Sweet Potato Pie Smoothie
As a southerner, I don’t think I could live without sweet potatoes. Not only are they delicious—they’re bursting with all sorts of nutrients. Like most orange-hued fruits/vegetables, sweet potatoes are chock-full of beta carotene. They’re also a good source of dietary fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins A and C, and, surprisingly (to me, anyway), calcium…
Pumpkin Chia Pudding
I know, I know. Every blogger is bombarding you with pumpkin recipes since we’ve been experiencing fall for, oh, not even a full week. I promise in the next couple of months I will share comforting, warming, autumn-inspired dishes that feature other ingredients, but since I haven’t done a lot of cooking lately, this pumpkin…
Lentil & Quinoa Salad With Grapes, Cucumber, and Hazelnuts
Some foods and flavors are obvious matches: peanut butter and jelly (though I will admit I didn’t enjoy that combination until recently), French fries and ketchup, cookies and cream, etc. Other pairings are strange on the surface, however, but work just as magically as “the classics.” I’m talking about avocado and chocolate (like in this…
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Mushrooms are another one of those foods I avoided like the plague for most of my life. Though the idea of eating a fungus still creeps me out a bit, I’ve grown to love mushrooms of all varieties, in all types of dishes. I love a good steak on occasion (filet, usually), but I equally…
Happy Birthday Iggy + Peanut Butter-Carrot “Pupcakes”
I’m officially that girl. The girl who dotes on her dog and bakes him birthday cake. Today is our sweet Ignatius Loyal Miele’s 5th birthday, and I thought it would be perfect to share a healthy, dog-friendly birthday treat. Iggy is a handful, but he makes our little family complete (at least until there are…
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