I know I said I’d be back Sunday or Monday with a post, but I decided to pack the computer away (for the most part) and enjoy some much needed relaxation instead. But since it’s Wednesday, I thought I’d combine today’s post with my usual Weekly Links and share a What I Ate—and Read—Wednesday. Below…
what i ate wednesday
What I Ate Wednesday: Trying To Get Back On Track
Hi there! Is this week absolutely dragging for anybody else? Even though I haven’t been waking up during the night as often as I had been, I feel like I can’t get a really good night’s sleep. Maybe pregnancy is finally taking its toll on me? I feel much more aware of the extra 20-or-so…
Snickerdoodle Smoothie + WIAW
Hi there, dear readers! I hope your Wednesday is going swimmingly. (“Swimmingly” is a very appropriate word, given the hours of torrential rain we experienced last night. It’s like I live in the Amazon sometimes.) Let’s briefly talk cravings. In addition to the usual pizza, eggs, hummus, and ice cream cravings I’ve been having all…
Strawberry Oat Crumble Bars + WIAW
I’d sworn that I was no longer turning on the oven unless I had to, but sometimes you just want a delicious baked good over a cold treat. Especially when it’s grey and dreary and seems like it will never stop raining. Enter these strawberry oatmeal crumble bars. These were incredibly easy to make (though…
Almond Butter, Oat, & Chocolate Chip Snack Bites + WIAW
I have to apologize to you again. (This seems to have become a habit for me.) All of the recipes I’ve come up with recently are for sweets/desserts. We’ve been cooking a lot of our old stand-by meals lately, and when I say “we,” I really mean “Mark.” I’ve mentioned before that my pregnancy sweet…
WIAW: Foods That Have Surprised Me
Is it Wednesday already? Although my work days have seemed long (especially the afternoons), the week itself seems to be flying by. I’m not complaining! Since I only photographed a few random meals this week, I figured I’d come up with some sort of theme for today’s What I Ate Wednesday party. I’ve mentioned this…
What I Ate Wednesday: Getting Some Veggie Love
Guys, I’ve seriously been slacking. Apart from my awesome whole food/all-natural prenatal vitamins, poor Baby M is getting very little veggie-based nutrition these days. I just can’t help it; carbs (and Cadbury eggs) are delicious! This week, however, I’m aiming to change that. Monday night included a vegetable—ok, fungus—based entrée, and I rounded out the…
What I Ate Wednesday 03.26.14
Happy Hump Day, guys and dolls! To avoid full-blown pregnancy overload, I’m not going to talk cravings and aversions because, so far, I haven’t really been eating that differently. (Plus, I wouldn’t want to scare you away if the idea of children terrifies the hell out of you and sends you screaming into another room!)…
What I Ate Wednesday 03.19.14
Happy Wednesday—and last day of winter (as per the calendar, anyway)—you guys! 🙂 This week has been going quite well, but of course I’m excited for the official arrival of spring and the upcoming weekend. Work’s been steady so far this week: not too overwhelming or busy, but not slow either. I’ve been enjoying my…
What I Ate Wednesday: It's Been Too Long
Hello, hello! It’s been far too long since I’ve joined the What I Ate Wednesday party. In all honesty, I’ve been too exhausted lately to party for real, but since this weekly shindig doesn’t even require me to leave my chair, I think I can manage. Before I get into the food, can I just…
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